Love for Music Piano Studio Group Lessons

Group lessons are designed to engage students in multiple ways, building skills for piano and life. Luba's style synergizes composer's style, historical context, emotional intelligence, musicality and world-class training to deliver superior lessons.

Group instrumental teaching can provide a musical environment where good learning may take place beyond what is usually possible in individual instruction; further, a group can provide a social environment in which a student is supported and motivated, even challenged by peers. A group can provide a wider range of experience—discussion, critical listening, the study of historical contexts, structural analysis and collective decision-making; further, a group can be a performing medium for each member of it. (Duckworth, “Why Do You Advocate ‘Three or More’ Teaching?”)

60-minute lessons available Wednesday - Friday

Beginner Level

For all beginning students, ages 6-9, I will require the purchase of Irina Gorin's materials for students to work on at home. Irina is a professor of music from Kiev, Ukraine and teaches worldwide. I am certified by her as well, and have been using her materials for over five years.

Beginning students are quite successful with learning correct hand position, which is one of the most important aspects of piano playing. Within a few weeks they will know all the notes on the piano and will be able to play with correct hand position. This is where I differ from others. Her books are linked below, with Tales of Musical Journeys 1 and Tales Activity Book 1 your first purchase (around $30).

Tales of Musical Journeys 1

Tales of Musical Journeys 2

Tales Activity Book 1

Tales Activity Book 2

Group size is limited to four students per class.

Intermediate Level

For Intermediate-level students I will be using Piano Marvel as a teaching tool, which will require the purchase of a digital piano if you do not have one already. The Piano Marvel subscription you will also need is $110/year.

It is priceless in its capacity for student self-directed use at home. PRACTICE is the MOST IMPORTANT feature of learning how to play the piano.

Requirements for student at home:

          • 88-Key digital piano with weighted keys that has midi (printer cable) input

Home and lessons:

          • I-pad (will need USB camera adapter) or Laptop with Piano Marvel software installed.* 

*Piano Marvel is $110/year subscription -(

Use Code: Love4Music, for your discounted subscription

Once you have your account, have your student connect with my Teacher Account using the instructions below:

For security reasons, a teacher cannot link to a student account, but a student can link to a teacher account. If you would like your students to link to your teacher account, please ask your students to follow these steps.

  1. Go to and log into the application.
  2. Once logged in click on the profile tab in the upper right corner where it shows your name and select My Teacher.
  3. Click on the edit button at the right end of the teacher space and then enter your teacher’s email address, username, or referral code in the box and click the “Assign Teacher” button.

Would you like to be on the waiting list? Please fill out the form below.

Have a great summer!